

Hi, I haven't posted in here for a while. How's your summer so far? I have my story to tell but before that, I'm already thinking about fall and holiday seasons.
Is it too early to think about Halloween? I've seen Halloween goods already at the store! Are you going to have some party? You can edit to make this card easily at!
I went to Japan to visit my family at the end of June and Japanese summer is really harsh but this year was especially severe! the temperature was skyrocketed and part of the region was flooded, I really felt this earth is going through a serious weather change. It's really tiring to go outside but we did it!
We managed to go to the Disneyland in Japan, stayed there from 9:00 AM til 9:00 PM I have never used FastPass before but I know how. I only used twice for the splash mountain and Winnie the poo's attraction, those are so popular so it's worth it, the second fast pass, I got at 11:00 AM am and you can't use it until 8:30PM, that's how crowded in there.
I think Disneyland in Japan is more crowded, but the ticket was much cheaper than one in California. In California, you need to pay $110 or something each even for the kid, but in Japan, it's around $70 for adults and $50 for the kids.
Well, after coming back to California, I didn't go anywhere but work, house, and supermarket.
How's your summer? I hope you had a good one.
Sincerely Yours,